I posted this very famous line from the movie ‘Sholay’ and got the most interesting list of comments. They are nothing but the movie dialogues translated literally into English. Sharing them here. As you can see, it was a lot of fun 🙂
Shibani Ahuja:Â Basanti, don’t dance in front of these dogs!
09 March at 20:47
Rohan Chakravarty likes this.
Karan Chhabria
Thakur give me those hands
Shibani Ahuja
Children of pigs
Karan Chhabria
How many men were there ?
Vinod Rupani
What’s up Samba
Shibani Ahuja
When is Holi?
Shibani Ahuja
What will happen of you, Kalia?
Vinod Rupani
How many bullets are there..
Vinod Rupani
She just likes to bark like that it’s a habbit
Yamini Joshi
why is there so much silence, brother?!
Shibani Ahuja
Let’s go Dhano, today it is a question of your Basanti’s integrity
Yamini Joshi
‘Eh, what is this Suicide?
Suzanne Lasrado
Haha! SO random!
Shibani Ahuja
I have eaten your salt, sarkar
Akash Mehta
3 men and 1 bullet!!!! this is too much injustice!!!
Shibani Ahuja
@Suz – These are dialogues from Sholay..we are translating them literally 🙂
Twinkle Khatri Rajani
This friendship we will not leave, we will leave life, but we will not leave your togetherness 🙂
Vinod Rupani
Now eat a bullet
Shibani Ahuja
A fake coin is fake on both the sides
Shibani Ahuja
hey O Sambha, how much reward has the government kept on me?
Kashif Qazi
the iron is hot, kill the hammer
Kashif Qazi
Tell Gabbar, Ramgarhians have stopped throwing mutton tidbits in front of his dogs
Shibani Ahuja
Villagers, I am going. God, I am coming
Pat Cat
Snake is not killed by hands but by feet, Gabbar!!
Shibani Ahuja
Till when those legs work, his breathing will work
Kashif Qazi
when some horse-cart-woman gets pissed off, she becomes even more beautiful
Kashif Qazi
what men, in 5 rupees you have come to buy the entire jungle or what?
Shibani Ahuja
Pistol has come in the jail
Kashif Qazi
Tunnnnel, In my jail Tunnnnel
Shibani Ahuja
From the times of the British I am a jailor
Pat Cat
Half go that side, half go this side, rest come behind me
Shibani Ahuja
Got saved, brother-in-law 😉
Pat Cat
Ha hah!! We are jailors from time of Englishmen!!
Shibani Ahuja
this one also got saved
Pat Cat
What is your name, Basanti?
Shibani Ahuja
they were two, you were three, yet you came with empty hands?
Shibani Ahuja
Thakur cannot bend, nor can he break. Thakur can only die
Kashif Qazi
Oh Love Oh Lover, Oh Lover Oh Lover oooohh… Roses bloom in Rose garden, When in flowery veil there’s a rendezvous of… u and… meeeeee
Rohan Chakravarty
how beautifully she talks!
Shibani Ahuja
Now I don’t have a habit of talking without purpose
Rohan Chakravarty
but aunt, otherwise my friend veeru is very good at heart
Kashif Qazi
2 rupees for Belapur and 1 1/2 for Ramgarh… now don’t go bickering about that
Shibani Ahuja
Joe got scared, understand he died
Kashif Qazi
so whatever mango i will say you will break it with a bullet?
Kashif Qazi
Yes Yes, he is James Bond’s grandson
Vinod Rupani
Gabbar I am comming
Shibani Ahuja
far, far in a village when a kid cries, the mother says ‘child sleep, otherwise gabbar will come’
Kashif Qazi
On the day of holi heart’s bloom, Colors meet colors
Rohan Chakravarty
lentils…black…black lentils?? i didnt quite understand 😀
Shibani Ahuja
Kashif Qazi
It is holi brother it is holi, it is holi of the colors
Shibani Ahuja
this is not a hand, its a noose
Shibani Ahuja
Till there is life, my heart throb, I will dance..
Yorick Pinto
I have mother!
Kashif Qazi
Without my permission, even a pigeon can’t flutter its wings in this jail
Sanjay Sippy
In any distant village whenever a kid was ‘sleepless in village’ then the mother said ‘ sleep o dear child or else Mr. gabbar will arrive …
Kunal Choksi
nooo!!!!!! (with surprise)
Shibani Ahuja
What did you think? Sardar will be very happy? He will praise you?
Sanjay Sippy
U where 3 and they 2. Even then u came back and that too empty handed .
Kunal Choksi
no one escapes the cluthces of Soooooorma Bhopali!!!!
Kashif Qazi
money? what kind of money are you asking for?
Kashif Qazi
oh maternal aunt, once he is married, he’ll stop visiting that singer-chick, that’s it, alcohol will leave automatically
Kashif Qazi
youthful daughter at home, is like a grinding stone on the chest. Once Basanti gets married, i can take a breath of relief.
Shibani Ahuja
you will get punished for this, definitely you will get
Shibani Ahuja Basanti, don’t dance in front of these dogs!

I never really saw the complete movie but wouldn’t mind this version hahhahahah 😀
We will soon make a movie of this version…and when it’s done, we’ll invite you for the screening 🙂
I want the premier show tickets 🙂