How to shit bricks
Funny animation by a Russian chips’ brand with a lesson at the end on how to shit bricks 🙂 [youtube][/youtube]
Funny animation by a Russian chips’ brand with a lesson at the end on how to shit bricks 🙂 [youtube][/youtube]
This is the diet plan that I got from the dietitian. I DON’T FOLLOW IT! 08am: A glass of warm water with a dash of lime and some honey. People swear by this mixture when it comes to losing weight. Not only will this wash away all the toxins, it will give you good bowel[…]
Yesterday, I entered the kitchen after almost 8 months and made Tandoori Paneer. It came out quite nice. Everyone liked it though the trade-off was cut fingers..hehe! I can’t slice onions, need some practise 🙂 I’ll share the recipe soon 🙂
Namz…the high-priestess of the ladle and the wok, the multi-cuisine expert, the sweetheart and the most eligible candidate from most of my friends to be nominated as ‘Annapurna’, the girl with the magical fingers. Her cooking is divine. It’s love and care whisked with ingredients and served to perfection. We had our picnic this Sunday.[…]
I make these friendly guest appearances and then disappear for weeks, only to resurface and then again get back into my shell. I know, that’s not a nice thing to do but work committments keep me occupied…afterall ‘paapi pet ka sawaal hai’. Pet? I’m hungry…let me see what I can eat. Hell! There’s nothing. Well,[…]
I like X’mas. I like the way Bandra lights up to welcome this festive season. I like the small cottages with decorations and cheer around them. The malls and shopping arcades turn into hubs of frantic activity but more than anything, I like the X’mas sweets that my neighbour sends us year after year. This[…]
Some radio station is celebrating Mysore Pak Dday, today. Yuck! They’re selling 1 kg of that inedible dish for Rs 99 instead of Rs 200. I wouldn’t buy it even if it was on sale for Rs 9. I think the guys at the radio station must’ve had a platterful of IT stuffed down their[…]
Had the most amazing Dutch Truffle from Copper Chocs, Magnum Mall. Its totally hmm….ummm! Just wanted to take a bite and pack the rest for home ie make someone else have the rich, chocolaty treat, but that first bite had me wanting more (finished it with a little help, though). Not thinking about the calories,[…]
Forgive me, almighty weighing machine for I haven’t walked for 2 days. Forgive me for having oily puris for lunch, a bar of chocolate at tea-time, cheese topped pizza and yummy pasta in white sauce for dinner followed by a few pieces of mithai as dessert. Please give me the strength and enough guilt to[…]
*Burp* Excuse me! Today was my 3rd consecutive day of eating biryani. I have always liked this delectable dish but now I’ve got an overdose. All my 3 ‘doses’ were simply superb, though! 1st dose/day Name: Veg Biryani Accompaniments: Mixed Raita (1 nos) From: Jai Hind Lunch Home Contact # of Food Joint: 26483381 Price:[…]